Spiritual Abuse Recovery

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Watch Out! For those: PIMP’s
That will use you, control you, feed off you, and leave you broken torn, and spiritual bleeding in the road of their Hell fires, and brimstone



At 5:44 PM, Blogger Somnambulist Seeker said...

Hi care4u:
Thanks for dropping by my blog the other day.

I wanted to drop by and wish you the best as you head out on this difficult journey.

When I did this, I wasted years on wallowing in bitterness over my church background. Although I'd never go back, I have, years and years later, finally realized that there was actually much that I learned through that time that serves me well today (albeit in very different ways than what was intended).

Don't give in to bitterness - Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. But do stand by your decision, and grow on.

At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Care4u

I too was bewitched by doctrines of Legalism, primarily from the United Pentecostal Chruch.

I believe on of main problems of most teachings of most Christian denominations is the mixture of Faith & Works in regard to the doctrine of Salvation.

"I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain." — Gal. 2:21

For example, a Roman Catholic is taught the Faith PLUS Mass over a period of ones life will EQUAL Salvation.

A Seventh Day Adventist will equate Faith PLUS keeping the Saturday Sabbath.

Many Mainline Protestants define Salvation of Faith PLUS infant baptism & social activism.

Many Baptists, though define Salvation through Faith Alone, subconsciously teach that ‘walking an isle in alter call’, joining the church, tithing, contribute to Salvation.

The UPCi along with the Boston Church of Christ are perhaps in my conviction the most egregious examples in modern times of Legalism when it comes to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The error of all this legalism is that the adherents believe that Salvation is an ongoing ‘Process’ rather than a ‘One time’ experience in which the believer is transferred fro death unto life.

…He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
John 5:24

I sincerely believe the the adherents to UPCi teachings have been Vexed, Bewitched (Gal 3:1), by the evil one, much similar as were the Galatian Christians deceived by 1st century Judaizers.

Here is a good message exposing the errors of Oneness Pentecostalism


Here are some links which define a distinction on what the scriptures teach between Faith in Christ & Works.

A Comparison and Contrast Between SALVATION and WORKS

A Comparison and Contrast Between SALVATION and DISCIPLESHIP

As for my testimony, I was Born Again after a Lutheran camp counselor explained the gospel to me in 1974. A few years after that, God led me to a Fundamental Baptist Church in which I learned more of the Bible & was baptized as a testimony of the salvation I had previously received. During the early 1980s, while in college, I got caught up in the charismatic movement & against my better judgment, sought the ‘so-called’ tongues experience. Shortly after that, my mind became entangled with the doctrines of Oneness Pentecostalism & for many years I struggled with the assurance of my salvation. Today, God is still healing me of this vexation of spirit brought on by the evil one. My prayer is that those who are entangled in UPCi will be delivered by the Free Grace which is in Christ. My prayer is that true believers will be strengthed through ‘rightly dividing the Word of God’

Hope these words will encourage someone.

Bewitched by the UPCi

At 11:59 AM, Blogger J. Stephen Conn said...

Bravo for this very needed site. Keep up the good work.


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