Spiritual Abuse Recovery

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

To the Church
there is something that is on my heart lately concerning our generation and the outreach to people ensnared with church cults and occults, Jesus ca
me to heal the broken hearted. He came to proclaim liberty to the captives, to give sight to the blind, and to set at liberty the oppressed. He also said that we are to give food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, visit those in prison, and take in strangers.

Let me tell you when I was involved in a cultic church for 17 years, I was brokenhearted, I was blind, I was in prison, I was so oppressed, starving for truth and thirsty for real love. Ask anyone who's left a cult like church and they'll tell you - "I was brokenhearted, blind, in prison, oppressed, hungry, and thirsty." Who are those in the church cults or the occults, they your neighbor, co-worker, check out lady, gas attendant, friend, bother, sister, mother, father, grandparents, could be anyone anywhere. Sometimes there easy to spot with pentagram dangling from around their neck or a long dress and no make-up or jewelry or wearing a white shirt with a tie, riding a bike knocking on doors. Oftentimes just by casual glance you've never know but after talking with them your see a grizzly hand of deception on in. How can we reach people like this? There is only one way that I see and that is to really loves them with the Christ-like love. Don’t put your nose up in the air and think you have truth and look at those as deceivers and deceived people out there. One of my common phrases to say to people “if you have more Jesus and anyone else you better love more than anybody else, because Jesus is love”

I service a lot of people involved in the occult or cults and the best way to show them love is not to reject them, not to make them think I have more truth and they are bad and I’m good, but to invite them over for lunch, sit down with them and find out what’s going on in there life, their hurts, their dreams, where are they coming from. Can I show them by my love that there valuable and precious to


At 6:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and that's exactly what Jesus did. He tended to the physical needs before the spiritual needs. And it says in the bible that we are to take care of their physical needs first. CJ, you would make such an awesome social worker. Oh, how I would love to see you enroll in that program. I just know that your life is leading down the road towards social services, but in such a different way than before, when you were in the church. There, you were limited as to how much you could give, or what you could do, or who you could hang out with. but with your new freedom, you can hang out with the same type people Jesus did, and emulate him so much better now that you are free.

fly away little birdie


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